GaraDry Skeleton Sealant Caulk Gun - Yellow

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SKU: WS020
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  • Manufacturer:Garadry

Item Description:

GaraDry Skeleton Sealant Caulk Gun - Yellow

I’ve Never Used A Skeleton Sealant Caulk Gun Before What Is It

A skeleton caulking gun is a tool which is used for accurately sealing and filling in gaps. It is made of a metal skeleton combined with a comfortable trigger grip, and can be used with most standard sized adhesive cartridges, including our GaraDry adhesive & sealant.

They are used in a wide variety of ways when it comes to DIY, including installing one of our garage door threshold seals, and it’s heavy duty construction and ease of use will ensure a good finish to your installation.

How Can I Use The Caulking Gun

The cartridge is easily inserted into the gun, and the trigger can be squeezed to expel the adhesive & sealant in an even and consistent manner. This should be done in two parallel lines and a 3rd zigzag in between for maximum adhesion along the full length of a garage door threshold.

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