(6) E-Z 20:1 Super Concentrated Floor Stripper 32 oz

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SKU: NL201-Q6
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- Save: $21.55!
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Super Concentrated Floor Stripper

E-Z 20:1 is a super concentrated stripping solution that offers maximum speed and effectiveness when stripping floors. Removes all types of water-based finishes and sealers used on resilient tile, terrazzo, brick, quarry tile, and stone flooring. Powerful penetrating agents cut through and emulsify heavy buildups and remove multiple coats of finish on the first pass. Ideal to use on floors that have been repeatedly high speed buffed and propane burnished. No ammonia odor. No caustic.

  • Super concentrated - ultra high active ingredients
  • Convenient 1 quart packaging
  • Powerful - removes multiple layers and buildups of finishes, sealers, and burnished coatings
  • Fast and effective; speeds up the stripping process

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