Transonic Pro Pest Repeller - 110V

Transonic Pro Pest Repeller - 110V BX-TX-PRO
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- Save: $58.05!
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Transonic Pro Pest Repellent

Transonic PRO is a simple, discreet, cost-effective solution to your indoor pest problem. Just plug in the device to repel rodents, bats, spiders, and more. With a range of up to 3,500 square feet, the Transonic PRO from Bird-X is a low-profile electronic pest repeller that uses two side-by-side speakers to transmit both sonic (audible) and ultrasonic (nearly silent to humans) sound waves that humanely, safely repel pests.

  • Independent laboratory & university testing has proven ultrasonic & sonic sound technologies to be effective forms of pest deterrents
  • Small enough to use anywhere in the home
  • Safe to use around children and pets
  • Designed especially for use in indoor and semi-enclosed areas

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