Recognized for safer chemistry. The Design for the Environment (DfE) scientific reveiw team has reviewed each ingredient in this product for potential environmental and human human health effects.
Condition floors for better sealing, prevent leveling and powdering problems, and neutralize odors in one quick and easy step with Water Flakes® Floor Conditioner and Neutralizer.
Add Floor Conditioner and Neutralizer to rinse-water to neutralize and remove alkaline residue after floor stripping. Eliminates dulling, discoloring and hazing so floor finishes look better and last longer. Floor Conditioner and Neutralizer removes brown water spots left in carpets by hard water and the white residue left by some ice melt compounds.
Floor Conditioner and Neutralizer controls urine odor in restrooms. When urine odors are removed, restroom users tend to keep the area cleaner, and restroom maintenance becomes simpler and less expensive.
Floor Conditioner and Neutralizer is premeasured and is packaged in a 100% biodegradable water-soluble film that dissolves completely in water. No need to measure, pour or cut open packages. This is a quick and easy way to condition and neutralize your floor. Drop one water-soluble pouch into three gallons of warm water. Then apply with a mop, sponge or cloth.
The primary ingredient in Floor Conditioner and Neutralizer is citric acid.
Quick & Simple Water-Soluble Packets

Some cleaning products are delivered and stored more efficiently as powders instead of liquids. To complement the innovative One Packs™ premeasured systems for liquids, Stearns has developed the revolutionary Water Flakes® water-soluble packets for powder concentrates.
Water Flakes® are exact portions of powdered cleaning concentrates, packaged in a water-soluble film that dissolves quickly in water. Just toss one into a sink, toilet bowl, or bucket of water, and you have the perfect-strength solution in seconds - without measuring, pouring, or even opening any packages.
Water Flakes® give you the same great advantages as One Packs™ - no waste, no confusion, and point-of-use mixing without dispensing equipment. They are shipped in your choice of lightweight storage tubs or larger size reuseable pails, and are offered in 10 popular formulations.